Tweets are weird, man.

When Jack Dorsey established the company back in 2006, he said they picked the name because the word “Twitter” means “a short burst of inconsequential information.” Well Jack… you weren’t wrong!

Now, Jack probably couldn’t have known that eventually state officials and legitimate news organizations would also be sharing information through his site, but he was right, there was going to be a LOT of inconsequential twittering.

And for most of us, that’s our favorite part. Forget the political trolling and the self-promotion, just give me the jokes and this whole Twitter enterprise (Twenterprise?) will have been worthwhile.

Let’s look at some now.

10. Started from the bottom, now we’re still at the bottom.

Such a great love story!

9. That’s an alien, Andy

OMFG! Kill it with fire!

8. This date sucks

She doesn’t know how to eat soup the fun way!

7. We have the power!

Yeah, Carrie is right. If these come back, we’re doomed.

6. This is the way

Kristen Stewart will never live those movies down, will she?

5. Have your cake and me too

Meaning, I’ll take a slice out of you and then put you in the freezer for later. #murderhumor

4. We never learn

And when we do learn, we actually don’t.

3. Still a good boy

And never lose that moxie, kiddo!

2. I do as I’m told

I’ve never understood this.

1. Mansplaining at its finest

Glad you’re letting them know. 10/10 mansplaining.

Just remember, if you’re sitting at home bored right now, you’ve got the power to go on Twitter and make tons of people laugh. Use this power wisely.

Which one was your favorite?

Sound off in the comments section.