Guys are supposed to be grateful if they get to have sex, but we’ve got standards too!
Here are 11 times men just weren’t into it and would have preferred to just eat a sandwich.
Or something like that…
11. Did she wig out?

Photo Credit: Whisper
10. Well, that’s on you bro!

Photo Credit: Whisper
9. Yuck.

Photo Credit: Whisper
8. Why didn’t you tell her?!

Photo Credit: Whisper
7. That is truly disturbing…

Photo Credit: Whisper
6. You seem like a really nice person… o_O

Photo Credit: Whisper
5. You get what you pay for…

Photo Credit: Whisper
4. Sober s^x is the best sex. #truth

Photo Credit: Whisper
3. It’s really easy to do this. Just tell her. Done.

Photo Credit: Whisper
2. Dream girls aren’t always dreamy…

Photo Credit: Whisper
1. Oh well! Turnabout is fair play!

Photo Credit: Whisper
Tbh, I don’t feel bad for these guys at all.
Especially the guy who got choked out and got his watch stolen.
Dude, you could have DIED. Don’t do that!