I mean, we’re all trying to understand ourselves. Better ourselves. Shape ourselves into the people we want to be. This could be achieved through methods of self-discovery ranging from therapy to meditation but also we could just send each other memes all day and I think the effect is more or less the same.
Here are some memes that express a lot of inner truth. So much so that we probably don’t need to delve any deeper.
See if they register with you!
12. I need my space

Via someecards
11. I live a rich inner-life

Via someecards
10. I’m very fair

Via someecards
9. My perception is clear

Via someecards
8. I prioritize well

Via someecards
7. I have good communication skills

Via someecards
6. I earn my rewards

Via someecards
5. I express myself well

Via someecards
4. I brought good into the world

Via someecards
3. I know how to compartmentalize

Via someecards
2. I am in control of my anger

Via someecards
1. I’m healthy

Via someecards
What wonderful affirmations! Memes really are the whole package!
What has endless hours of looking at memes taught YOU about yourself?
Tell us in the comments.