Not all one night stands are bad, as is evidenced by the first story here.
Still, that’s not how you want to lead your life, right?
An endless string of strangers that you’re just plowing through night after night…
…writhing bodies entangled in unholy passion all hours of the night…
…exhausting yourself completely and passing out into a haze of s^x and regret…
…only to awake and start again the next day…
OKAY! I’m fine! How about you?
1. Not too bad, if I do say so myself…

Photo Credit: Whisper
2. Bus. Uber. Same difference.

Photo Credit: Whisper
3. I’m sure you could have given him a wrong number…

Photo Credit: Whisper
4. “Thank you for the sex, sir! It was enjoyable!”

Photo Credit: Whisper
5. Why? Because YOU made it awkward?

Photo Credit: Whisper
6. Yes, he did something wrong. He picked you.

Photo Credit: Whisper
7. What is with this sneaking out? Just say goodbye and be an adult!

Photo Credit: Whisper
8. Serves. You. Right.

Photo Credit: Whisper
9. Were they nice?

Photo Credit: Whisper
10. Alright, that does suck…

Photo Credit: Whisper
11. Well, that’s what you’re there for. #notsorry

Photo Credit: Whisper
12. GTFO NOW!!!!

Photo Credit: Whisper
Wait, what just happened?
Did you sneak out on me?!
Oh you!