There are memes for just about every occasion in life and believe me, I feel like at this point I’ve seen most of what the internet had to offer.
Sometimes, though, you just need a little random entertainment in your life – mindless, fun, and easy to digest – and if that’s you right now, these 13 memes are the perfect dish.
13. I don’t know who needs to see this today, but here you go.

Image Credit: Imgur
12. You gotta impart the important messages.

Image Credit: Imgur
11. And they don’t learn with experience.

Image Credit: Imgur
10. Who doesn’t love a well-timed pun?

Image Credit: Imgur
9. I don’t know why this is so true.

Image Credit: Imgur
8. Why is this so cute and also accurate.

Image Credit: Imgur
7. I mean…do you blame him?

Image Credit: Imgur
6. I’m not sure that’s what they’re screaming about.

Image Credit: Imgur
5. I don’t know why this made me laugh so hard but there you go.

Image Credit: Imgur
4. It is the most versatile of the emojis.

Image Credit: Imgur
3. I imagine no one really knew what to say.

Image Credit: Imgur
2. I think this kind of gives me an odd sense of hope?

Image Credit: Imgur
1. We all feel like this potato sometimes.

Image Credit: Imgur
I’m feeling not-too-full and refreshed already! How about you?
Share your favorite memes with us in the comments! Because we love it when you do!