There is NOTHING better than jokes from dear old dad. NOTHING.
So all of my online friends who are here for 1:20 to 3:45 minutes… join me now for 14 knee slappers that will make you feel whole and good inside.
And away we go….
1. Oh, dad…
No… you’ll never do that in your life.

Photo Credit: Reddit
2. A solid one
Now… forward!

Photo Credit: Reddit
3. Hey o!
Great story!

Photo Credit: Reddit
4. Classic body positivity
Nobody can deny that!

Photo Credit: Reddit
5. Wonder how many times he’s said this
He’s not wrong.

Photo Credit: Reddit
6. Logic
Cold, hard, FACTS!

Photo Credit: Reddit
7. Don’t cross mom
And don’t set dad up like that.

Photo Credit: Reddit
8. Maybe the best of the bunch
Si… es muy gracioso.

Photo Credit: Reddit
9. Massive eye roll
Throwing shade ALL day.

Photo Credit: Reddit
10. Lamb-line
I can’t even with this one… oooof!

Photo Credit: Reddit
11. Might need to read this one twice
You’ll get it eventually. I promise.

Photo Credit: Reddit
12. I actually laughed out loud at this
Captain Obvious, to the rescue!

Photo Credit: Reddit
13. Both good ones
Double barreled funny!

Photo Credit: Reddit
14. At the funeral? Damn…
Gramps has still got it!

Photo Credit: Reddit
That’s what dads are for! Terrible jokes!
Did I say terrible? I meant terribly hilarious! Because all dads can do are crack wise like comedy pros.
Yes, I’m overselling them, but in this day and age… dads need all the help they can get.
Which of these fatherly nuggets made you giggle the most?
Let us know in the comments!