You go to school to get a job. You apply to get a job. You interview to get a job. You hope and pray and do a summoning dance to get that damn job. Then you get it, and you actually have to work.

They say “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life. Do something you’re just kinda fine with and you’ll make funny tweets about it.”

Let’s look at some too-true tweets from the modern workforce. What else are we gonna do, work?

15. It’s called a day off, dammit!

14. Setting the right tone is important…

13. Aspirations change fast

12. Like I said…

11. I’d rather emails didn’t find me at all

10. I hope I’m contagious

9. Like a reverse Rebecca Black

8. It’s their fault I was up till 4 playing Zelda, right?!?

7. This cuddle could have been an email

6. These things take subtlety

5. Lord of the Fries

4. How dare you

3. This is how days get longer

2. Waking up is hard to do

1. As someone literally working from home right now, this!

What’s your favorite job you’ve ever had? What’s your least favorite?

Commiserate with us in the comments.