Maybe we can all agree that it’s hard to be both a man and a woman in this world. Obviously, it seems like women have it tougher in a lot of areas, but guys have their sh^t they need to deal with too on a daily basis.

Let’s get into these answers and see what the fellas had to say.

The men of AskReddit weighed in on this interesting subject.

1. That’s pretty sad.

“Divorce means I don’t stand a chance of getting primary custody of my kids. Its almost always the mother.

Basically she has to be a meth head with a serious criminal record and even then its not a sure thing.”

2. Just in general.

“Much likelier to be perceived as a threat.”

3. Looked upon differently.

“I’m severely limited in the interests I can talk about to other guys without being mocked or made fun of.”

4. Hard to find dates.

“Online dating is a sausagefest.”

5. Getting sized up.

“Honestly, guys literally get sized up for everything.

Their height, bank account, status and everything else. It’s a constant comparison game as a dude. If you don’t measure up, you’re literally seen as less for whatever reason.”

6. A sad state of affairs.

“If you wife cheats on you and you have kids, even though you have been a good husband and a provider.

You will be f**ked in court….from what I could gather on sub reddit surviving infeildity.

This has made me marriage averse 🙁 “

7. Might as well be invisible.

“When you’re ugly and short, you’re dead.”

8. You could wear a kilt?

“It’s socially unacceptable to wear a skirt, even though it makes more sense.

Women don’t have things hanging down, so pant legs don’t complicate matters…”

9. Keep your head up.

“People don’t really care about you. Just very lonely in general.”

10. Am I a threat?

“Being viewed as a threat by women (or sometimes other men) for simply existing in their range of vision. Your actions coming off as creepy or hostile if you’re not attractive. Being on the range average in looks, maybe decent looking, it still comes off as creepy or undesirable when you attempt to approach people of either sex.

The scale of how creepy or undesirable only widening the more “unattractive” you are. That being said, being a bigger guy thanks to lifting, girls automatically view me as a threat and while that can have some advantages, I and many of my lifting buddies feel like we have to walk on eggshells to make sure we don’t come off as aggressive or as threats.”

11. It’s okay to open up.

“Being expected to keep your emotions to yourself.

I’m a f*cking wreck right now, but I don’t want to express it too often because I’ll be a burden.”

12. No shame in asking for help.

“As a man who works in HR and oversees 1000+ staff… it worries me to see so many men struggle with mental health. I have orchestrated many seminars and presentations to try and encourage the men in our company to come to me or someone they trust to discuss their mental health.

It was a slow change, but more and more of those men have come to me seeking guidance and support, and I feel so happy to have been the one to make them realize that their emotions are valid. It genuinely makes me emotional because I love people, and having those people take the time they need to help themselves and seeing them thrive afterwards is so rewarding.

Remember men: You are not weak for seeking help regarding anything!”

13. Punching bags.

“Being the proverbial punching bag for everything wrong in society. It gets tiring.

Most of us just want to walk our dogs, go to work and relax at home in peace without always having subliminal messaging going on.”

14. This is very true.

“Constantly worrying about being “masculine” instead of worrying about being happy.”

15. Ignored.

“The bottom half of men who will never marry are ignored and shunned by society. Meanwhile they’re the ones keeping society going by doing the rough jobs like ice truckers, coal miners, rescuers, construction, fixing down electricity poles during a blizzard in 0 degrees so everyone else can ge power, etc. They’re not good enough for women and they might have more problems but they’re the most expendable group in our species. They’re the ones expected to give up their life in emergencies and war. They’re the ones helping people during disasters and emergencies.

If you fail at life as a woman you can always get married to someone. When a man fails that life there is no recourse- they become homeless.”

Kinds of puts some things in perspective, doesn’t it?

Men and women, what do you think of these responses?

Please share your thoughts with us in the comments.