So, I’m not sure if you’ve ever internetted before, but when you use your modem to jump on the world wide webs and navigate your AOL browsers to the funny pipes, you’ll find these things called memes. And let me tell you, they are quite funny! Oh my goodness!
Today we’ve put together 15 of our absolute favorite memes so you can look at them and say, “Hey! That is quite funny! Oh my goodness!”
Enjoy internet pioneers!
1. It’s about god d*mned time!
2. Don’t make me remember my memories!
3. Chip shot!
4. Kids aren’t everything, fam!
5. We get each other. We just don’t like each other.
6. Hi. I’m Golum.
7. Buh.
8. Yo dawg, you lost?
9. What’s wrong with this?!?
10. You are mine, human…
11. “Oh wow…”
12. Sea you later!
13. What me worry?
14. Yep!
15. Stop!
Wow! The internet is so much fun! Wheeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
Which were your faves? Let us know in the comments… if you dare!