A badly-spaced sign or advertisement can really mess things up, you know what I’m saying?
It can change the entire meaning of something, and that’s never good. Le t*ts Snow? Uh oh…
1. Mak e yourself comfortable

Photo Credit: Reddit
2. d%cked?

Photo Credit: Reddit
3. That’s not helping

Photo Credit: Reddit
4. A total mess

Photo Credit: Reddit
5. Sungl asses

Photo Credit: Reddit
6. Bum gel

Photo Credit: Reddit
7. You had meat hello

Photo Credit: Reddit
8. Le t*ts Now!

Photo Credit: Reddit
9. You redead

Photo Credit: Reddit
10. GMNG

Photo Credit: Reddit
11. Just a few d%cks

Photo Credit: Reddit
12. Fig hater?

Photo Credit: Reddit
13. Why would Don do that?

Photo Credit: Reddit
14. Gross

Photo Credit: Reddit
15. Yummy buzzard

Photo Credit: Reddit
Fails. Major fails.