It’s (insert day here) and you’ve been (insert level of tiredness from this week)! So what are you going to do with your time? (insert activity other than reading memes here)?
Of course you aren’t! Ain’t nobody got time for that!
It’s time to sit back, relax and read some memes! Naturally…
1. Well… have you seen how they treat short guys?
It’s not good!

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
Priorities people! Priorities!

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
3. Every. Damn. Night.
And every damn day.

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
4. Oh snap…
Now they tell us!

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
5. Did you die immediately?
Or did it take over a year?

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
6. Ryan Reynolds always brings the fire…

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
7. Depression… bruh…
It’s depressing.

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
8. Haha, this CAN NOT be real… can it?
I mean, it IS Lil pump, so…

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
9. Hey, you picked this bed you monster!
Now you have to live with my s**t!

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
10. Don’t tell me it doesn’t work!
Because it does!

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
11. Same.
Wait. 2BF pls. Thx.

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
12. We’ve moved past this long ago…
Still, he’s not wrong.

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
13. Indeed!
That sounds SO much more fun.

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
14. OMFG!
It is a cat! But also a crow.

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
15. Luke, it’ll be your day one day!
Just not today.

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
16. This is actually real.
I’ve seen this! Somebody thinks this is real!

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
17. Roast away. They’ll forgive you.
Weak AF!

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
18. Dat truth!
Let them ALL the ice creams!

Photo Credit: Pleated Jeans
Okay, so that was a good use of your time, right? I think so. I hope you think so too.
I mean, now you can spread these memes around to your friends and you’ll be the talk of the group chat. Unless you are already… and then you’re just solidifying your place.
Okay kids, one more thing… if you have a meme that’s fire, let us know in the comments!