What’s your favorite thing of all time?
I’m talking about EVER?
Wait! Hold it right there, you don’t even need to go any further!
Because you and I both already know the answer to that question! It’s Tumblr!
Tumblr is your favorite thing ever!
And it’s mine, too!
And today we’re going to refresh your memory about why that weird and wonderful site is so much fun.
Enjoy these posts and get ready to have some HUGE laughs!
1. Is he a Sophomore?
Seems a little bit out of place…
2. He looks pretty psyched!
And that’s the first time a cat was ever happy at the vet’s office.
3. This kid plays by his own rules.
Keep an eye on that one…
4. Adulting can be fun!
But take it easy, okay?
5. This sounds familiar.
Do you do this every night?
6. Nicknames are fun!
And these two are pretty solid.
7. It’s too scary to think about…
The stuff nightmares are made of.
8. Gets you every time, doesn’t it?
Do you have something in your eye?
9. Ghosts…pay attention.
They’ve been known to speed.
10. Sounds like a quality nap.
Doesn’t sound too long to me…
11. Nailed it!
This was a successful experiment.
12. Wow, that worked!
Thanks for the tip.
13. Sounds legit to me.
What year is it, again?
14. Now, that is wholesome!
I bet he’s a great employee!
15. Solid life plan!
I live by the same rules.
16. This joke is solid gold.
The commenter thought so, too!
17. That is REALLY low.
How could you…?
18. I’m gonna start doing this.
Just walk away…
19. You can seriously get anything there.
Yes, anything…
20. Ruined it for everyone.
Well, that’s no fun.
21. This is accurate.
Pretty weird when you think about it…
22. It’s true!
Give it a shot! It works!
23. Remember that popular song?
Of course, you do!
24. The more you know…
You do this, right?
25. When you’re not invited…
And you know it…
How about you?
Have you seen some funny Tumblr posts lately?
If so, please share them with us in the comments.
Thanks a lot!