Work. We all gotta do it. We all go through it.
Unless you were like, born rich and have just spent your life skiing around or whatever. Must be nice. Can I have some money, please? Cause see I have to keep going to jobs, and it’s like, can I not?
But then I see funny work memes and I’m grateful for employment. For without my employment, I would no the base of knowledge necessary to comprehend, and subsequently enjoy, these delicious and hilarious memes. And that’s not a world I want to live in at all.
32. Spur of the moment
“This will help me do my job better.”

Via: The Chive
31. True intentions
Both are useful, both are sacred. They might as well just start labeling them this way.

Via: The Chive
30. Give me a break
Bless me father, for I have sinned.

Via: The Chive
29. Beddy-bye
Wait for me, my love. I shall return. I’ll come back for you, I swear it.

Via: The Chive
28. It’s a sign
What did you get caught doing, Dan?

Via: The Chive
27. Identity crisis
Don’t worry about it, I’m just gonna forget again in five minutes.

Via: The Chive
26. True colors
They mustn’t know the real me.

Via: The Chive
25. Boxed in
“Um…the apocalypse?”

Via: The Chive
24. You big dummy
Talk about padding out your timesheet.

Via: The Chive
23. Be a hero
They said I had to wear a mask, they didn’t specify what it had to look like.

Via: The Chive
22. Drink up
The heck kind of job site is this?

Via: The Chive
21. Set up a feast for one
Oh cool, the nastiest thing I’ve ever seen.

Via: The Chive
20. Treat it like a gift
Oooo, I wonder what’s inside?

Via: The Chive
19. Take a break
Look at me, I’m the king of New York!

Via: The Chive
18. Achieve some work-life balance
You gotta keep yourself entertained one way or another.

Via: The Chive
17. Get creative with your desk
If you’re already made of money, that is.

Via: The Chive
16. Get REALLY creative with your desk
This is just the budget version of it.

Via: The Chive
15. Add turtle power
He’s really helping out.

Via: The Chive
14. Get someone to sub in
Good ol’ reliable Mike.

Via: The Chive
13. Keep an eye on your coworkers
Thanks, I hate it.

Via: The Chive
12. Behold the power of Christmas
I find your lack of wreaths disturbing.

Via: The Chive
11. Slow down
And hang with a very chill dude.

Via: The Chive
10. Sparks fly
I can’t even tell what machine exactly this person is using, but I’m quite certain they’re doing it wrong.

Via: The Chive
9. Cleared for landing
When you give up so hard you have to stop helping planes not crash and just crash yourself.

Via: The Chive
8. That’s heavy
They were never seen again.

Via: The Chive
7. Wade on in
Oh cool, a new scenario I’d never before imagined that I can now have nightmares about.

Via: The Chive
6. Cat got ya
Don’t worry, you’ve got like eight more lives.

Via: The Chive
5. Kitten
See how they nurture their young? Nature is amazing.

Via: The Chive
4. The throne
I think you might want to up your office budget just a little bit.

Via: The Chive
3. Sinking feeling
Yet more nightmare fuel.

Via: The Chive
2. That’s a wrap
…how did this even happen, Dave?

Via: The Chive
1. Giving up
I find your lack of work disturbing.

Via: The Chive
Work might suck, but work memes will reign supreme forever.
What’s the best/worst part of your job?
Tell us in the comments.