You never know what you’re going to find when you venture into a thrift store, flea market, or a garage sale. That goes double when you’re out in the middle of nowhere and you go into places that haven’t been picked over repeatedly. That’s when things get WEIRD.

And these folks all hit the weirdness jackpot, if you know what I mean…

Let’s take a look at the very…unique…treasures they uncovered.

1. Tittay frog is in the house.

All hail titty frog
byu/uni-piggy inWTFgaragesale

2. p*op diary.

So my sister found this nugget at the thrift shop recently
byu/kuxiaobude inWTFgaragesale

3. If this room is a-rockin’…

Are those……children..?
byu/backyarddogs inWTFgaragesale

4. Frame urine test. Score!

So exited to hang this up in my bathroom 😀 (it was half price)
byu/Matt_Larson inWTFgaragesale

5. I would buy this.

Bought this at a thrift store a while back
by inWTFgaragesale

6. All hail Satan? Maybe not so much.

Just what I needed to complete my bathroom aesthetic
byu/tempura_medic inWTFgaragesale

7. Your cat needs one of these.

Found at goodwill for 59 cents. Finally, Kitty is safe! Now we need one for the dog.
byu/Ahzbear inWTFgaragesale

8. Creepy stuff.

Every single one. WTF!
by inWTFgaragesale

9. Only five bucks!

The craftsmanship was impeccable, but I didn’t have the $5 cash to get it 🙁
byu/erahwahh inWTFgaragesale

10. For your Super Bowl party.

Chips Man!
byu/chelchica inWTFgaragesale

11. Doesn’t really fit, does it?

1974 Wtf Psychology Book Cover
byu/FraternityMan inWTFgaragesale

12. Killer birds!

Today on FB Market Place
byu/Rosebudd100 inWTFgaragesale

13. That’s kinky.

My, my, those sure are strange.

Are you a junker? A thrifter? A garage-saler?

If you are, I’ve bet you’ve seen some pretty weird things in your day. Tell us all about it in the comments. Let’s get as weird as possible!