Unless you have a huge trust fund or are somehow independently wealthy, the reality is that you’re going to be working for most of your life.
So you can either embrace or and love your job, or you can hide under your cubicle and cry during your lunch break…or I guess you can combine the two if you really want to.
In the spirit of working for the rest of our lives, here are some funny work memes to tide you over!
1. Here’s the routine.
-wake up
-get ready
-mentally prepare myself for my job where my degree is not utilized and I am a cog in the capitalist machine
-get iced coffee
-arrive 20 minutes late— 1984’s George Whorewell (@EwdatsGROSS) November 19, 2019
2. Good work!

Photo Credit: someecards
3. Should I stay or should I go?

Photo Credit: someecards
4. I can’t handle this today.

Photo Credit: someecards
5. Getting prepared.

Photo Credit: someecards
6. Here come the waterworks.

Photo Credit: someecards
7. Don’t you dare.

Photo Credit: someecards
8. No difference, really.

Photo Credit: someecards
9. It does happen from time to time.
10. Might’ve been a bad idea.

Photo Credit: someecards
11. We’re all ashamed.

Photo Credit: someecards
Those memes are very accurate, I’d have to say.
Do you have any funny or ridiculous stories from your own job lately?
Go ahead and share them with us in the comments!