Tumblr has it all. Questions blogs, poetry, and hilarious stories – users just can’t get enough. But once in a while, there are questions posed that Tumblr users can’t seem to answer without taking it off the rails. This one in particular seemed innocuous enough, but it quickly led into a hilarious commentary of what angels not only look like but how humans may have reacted to seeing them.

Photo Credit: Tumblr, @mckitterick

Photo Credit: Tumblr, @mckitterick

Photo Credit: Tumblr, @mckitterick
These depictions are very different in some ways, almost as if people couldn’t really explain what they were seeing. But it’s these next folks who really kick it up a notch.

Photo Credit: rearfront
Yep, accurate.

Photo Credit: rearfront

Photo Credit: rearfront
If Mary’s there, then all is safe.

Photo Credit: rearfront
God’s got jokes! Thank goodness for Tumblr, otherwise, I would have felt odd screaming at an angel.