It may seem like a dark cloud is hanging over all of us right now, but we’ll get through this difficult period and we’ll be even stronger when it’s over.
And, in the meantime, it’s important to focus on the positive things in life and to laugh as much as possible.
It’s good for you! Trust me on this one…
So put all the bad thoughts aside for a bit and enjoy these funny memes and tweets.
And remember to LAUGH!
1. It all goes down in the shower…
And then, POOF, it’s gone!

Photo Credit: someecards
2. I hate when that happens!
It’s literally the worst thing that’s ever happened to me…okay, not really…
My whole life in one meme…
— Alesha Cox (@Alesha_b_c) April 18, 2020
3. A real health nut.
You’re killin’ it!
Sure I had an entire bag of chips, but I also drank a full glass of water, so that cancels it out.
— Alison Leiby (@AlisonLeiby) April 27, 2020
4. Damn right!
It’s called “keeping it real”, people.
Sucking down water from the bathroom sink at 2am is the adult version of drinking from the hose.
— Sara Buckley (@nottheworstmom) May 1, 2020
5. Why is it always this way?
It drives me insane.

Photo Credit: someecards
6. It’s very simple…
Wait, what…?
My favorite recipe is popcorn shrimp because it only has two ingredients
— Matt Nedostup (@nedostup) April 26, 2020
7. Sure! I do, too!
I’m currently in Year 7 of my “Cheat Day”.
Do you still call it a cheat day if you’re on your 45th one in a row?
— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) April 29, 2020
8. Totally worth the divorce.
Because it’s such a zinger!
If you make your safe word “banana” after sex you can say “orange you glad I didn’t say banana” and your wife will leave you but it’ll be worth it.
— The Dad (@thedad) February 23, 2020
9. Hey, it works.
And it’s a lot more fun than engaging with total psychos!
Been sending this to a lot of people lately instead of arguing. My mental health is sky rocketing.
— Sean O'Donnell (@TheSeanODonnell) April 28, 2020
10. Not a chance.
How about “barely survive, cry, and be lonely”? Does that work?
live, laugh, AND love????? in this economy???? are you fucking insane.
— Isabel Steckel (@IsabelSteckel) April 10, 2020
11. Keep an eye on this one…
Just do whatever he says.
My son told me he wants to dissect corpses. So either I agree to pay 120K dollars for his pathology degree or watch him become a serial killer.
— Kweenkwerke (@kweenkwerke) July 1, 2019
12. Neck pain for weeks.
That means we’re getting old, friends.

Photo Credit: someecards
Hey, those memes and tweets really hit the sweet spot!
Now we want to hear from all the readers out there!
In the comments, share something really fun that you’ve seen lately.
It could be a meme, a tweet, a joke, a photo, anything!
Please and thank you!