Hey, we really feel you on this one.
Everyone’s world was suddenly turned upside down, we’re all stuck at home all the time, so how are you supposed to exercise if you’re used to going to the gym…which is definitely closed down for now?
You don’t want to put on too much weight during the lockdown so you’re determined to get into a workout routine at home…but that couch is calling your name, isn’t it?
We’re in the same boat!
And that’s why these memes and posts about trying to work out at home really speak to all of us…let’s take a look.
1. Once is enough.
Now go back to bed.
My home workout regimen pic.twitter.com/wTTstnkVYg
— Lindsay Goldwert 👑 (@lindsaygoldwert) May 11, 2020
2. I agree with you!
I think a lot of other people do, too.
Idc what anyone says… lifting a bottle of wine to your mouth counts as a workout
— TWEETS ABOUT WINE (@wwlwine) May 25, 2020
3. Here’s your new routine.
This should do it!
Working out at home under quarantine
1. Stretch
2. Look at IG
3. Stretch some more
4. Text friends
5. Think of a workout to do
6. Browse FB
7. Change workout
8. Take 15 minutes to create
9. Look at instagram again
10. Go sit on couch— Stefan Urquelle (@OfficeofSteve) April 8, 2020
4. I’ve been crying almost daily.
But for other reasons…
you haven't done a real at home workout video until you've randomly burst into tears while doing leg raises on the floor while the instructor tells you how strong you are
— Katie Haller (@halleratyou) May 5, 2020
5. You are an elite athlete, sir.
And I salute you!
*Shuts drawer with a pelvic thrust*
Yeah, I exercise at home sometimes.
— karan v. (@Thateverydayguy) December 28, 2014
6. You’re doing it the right way.
You gotta get that cheese in.
For every workout i do, i make sure i eat at least two types of cheeses after 🖤
— Katie Arroyo (@KatieGArroyo) May 19, 2020
7. That means you’re doing ZERO.
And I salute you, too!
I’ve been doing my version of prison workouts in quarantine. I believe in abolishing prisons, so you do the math.
— Ted Alexandro (@tedalexandro) May 21, 2020
8. Damn straight!
That would be interesting…
If my home workouts have taught me anything, it’s that all gyms should have free alcohol.
— Missy Baker (@TheMissyBaker) May 18, 2020
Don’t mess with Maury. He’ll find out.

Photo Credit: someecards
10. That looks very difficult.
Have you tried this yet?

Photo Credit: someecards
11. It’s nice to dream…
It’s not gonna happen!

Photo Credit: someecards
12. Very dangerous stuff.
Don’t try this at home!

Photo Credit: someecards
Hey, keep trying! Eventually, you’ll get used to it! Hopefully…
Okay, we want you to be honest with us…
Are you having a hard time sticking to an exercise routine while you’re stuck at home?
Talk to us in the comments and let us know how it’s going!
And, if you are doing a good job, give us all some tips!