You’ve done this before: you text something really dumb without thinking and then the person on the other end takes a screenshot of your idiocy and sends it to everyone you know.
You’re humiliated and you must avoid public places for a few months until it blows over.
It happened to these folks, too.
Let’s look at the evidence.
1. Not a geographer.
2. Don’t worry about it.
3. Hahahaha. Wow.
4. We have a genius on our hands.
5. “Headboys” sounds right.
6. Making a lot of progress here.
7. Wrong room!
8. I hope you beat it.
9. The weird meat.
Salmon, the weird meat
byu/FactorManTCE infacepalm
10. It might tonight… tits.
Remember folks: think hard before you text. Or your words might end up in an article like this someday.
Have you ever totally blown it with a disastrous text message?
Tell us about it in the comments!