Twitter is a strange beast. Much of the time, it feels like you’re just shouting the most brilliant statement you’ve ever made into an empty vacuum of nothingness, and so you end up compensating for that by stalking celebrities for hours – BUT… every now and then, when you least expect it, something you say takes off and starts spreading like wildfire.
That’s exactly what happened to these people, from whom we can all learn how step up our Twitter game:
1. Tell the good stories
Photo Credit: Twitter
2. Fail miserably
Photo Credit: Twitter
3. Document others failing miserably
Photo Credit: Twitter
4. Play games with old people
Photo Credit: Twitter
5. Ask the important questions
Photo Credit: Twitter
6. Remind everyone that the truth can be brutal
Photo Credit: Twitter
7. Throw your cat in the air
Photo Credit: Twitter
8. Have adorable parents
Photo Credit: Twitter
9. Be the bigger troll
Photo Credit: Twitter
10. Know when it’s the right time to be honest
Photo Credit: Twitter
Now get out there and practice your new tweeting skills, young grasshopper.