You just never know the impact you have on people at the time, and a college student named Meghan learned this lesson in a truly hilarious – and sort of petty – way.

It happened when one of her friends ran across the Tinder profile of a boy they’d gone to middle school with, and saw that he was bragging – in his bio – about the girl he beat in his 8th grade class president election.

This is a good 5 years later, y’all.

“Still proud of the time I became class president just to beat someone I found mildly annoying. get wrecked Meghan.”

First of all, notice he didn’t mention the “class president” was back in 8th grade.

Also…she must have really had an impact on him. Jury’s out on whether he’s harboring a secret crush or his life just peaked in junior high.

As far as Meghan, she seems to have taken it all in stride – her Twitter handle now reads “get wrecked meghan,” and she even reached out to her old political foe in a private message.

Image Credit: Twitter

Stay tuned for the Lifetime movie (probably)!