Having a baby is an intense experience in every way possible – physically, emotionally, mentally – and because of that, every woman should be able to decide who she wants in the delivery room and for how long, and if she tells you to gtfo at any point, you should go with a smile on your face.

Because you’re not the one in pain and getting ready to squeeze a watermelon-sized object through a hole the size of a lemon.

It seems as if this should be common sense, that’s because it should – but at least one mother-in-law out there doesn’t agree.

During the birth of her first child, this woman’s mother-in-law made it all about her, making her daughter-in-law anxious and uncomfortable and basically not caring about her feelings re: becoming a mother for the first time.

WIBTA for not telling my mother-in-law when i go into labor
byu/throawaymamadrama inAmItheAsshole

Now that baby number two is on the way, the original poster wants to leave the MIL out of it all together…but is she wrong?

byu/throawaymamadrama from discussion

Not. The. as$hole.

byu/throawaymamadrama from discussion

Her husband wants to support her, but says she’ll have to be “ready for the consequences,” which is kind of an a**hole response, if you ask me.

byu/throawaymamadrama from discussion

Others agree, though most people fall in line with the decision that this woman is definitely NTA (not the a**hole) here.

byu/throawaymamadrama from discussion

It’d be hard to think this woman is the bad person in this situation…

byu/throawaymamadrama from discussion

In fact, the husband is getting a lot of flack for this one…

byu/throawaymamadrama from discussion

Toxicity all around.

byu/throawaymamadrama from discussion

Not the as$hole. Never the as$hole.

byu/throawaymamadrama from discussion

Please, ladies, if you’re giving birth or are invited to participate in a birth in any capacity, see my advice up top.

It’s evergreen.