21-year-old Nila Morton uses a wheelchair because she was born with a rare medical condition called Ullrich congenital muscular dystrophy, a disease that results in muscle weakness and joint stiffness.

Because of that, she’s always hesitant to share photos online, afraid people will judge her even more harshly than they judge the rest of us because of her disability.

But when she had a dress she loved, her makeup was on point, and her confidence was high, Nila decided to post this one because she “felt beautiful,” so screw it.


Here’s the thing: she did look beautiful, and also super happy and proud. All of those things are absolutely lovely to see.

Most people online agreed with me (there were a few trolls, but we won’t give them any attention), showering Nila and her photograph with much-deserved love.

She woke up to the barrage of happy messages, and told Buzzfeed News that it was overwhelming.

Getting that much positive feedback made me smile and anxious at the same time. I know that some people had negative things to say, but I saw how people had my back, which made me realize that I should never be nervous to show myself off.”

You said it, girl – you are beautiful, so share that smile with the world.

Nila is also thrilled that her surprise celebrity might have a positive effect on disability representation, and hopes that others in similar situations will feel as she does – that nothing about her existence is lesser because of her medical challenges.

“I love my life just as it is. I love my wheelchair because it’s my home.”

Morton isn’t the only one who was verklempt at the outpouring of support, either.

I’m feeling a little like someone is cutting onions in here, that’s all.

I love it when the internet does things right, don’t you?