I was talking to a friend the other day, and I told her “I think Twitter is kinda the defining literature of our generation. It’s short, passionate, accessible and open yet lost in a sea of noise, half production and half conversation; it’s really a wonderful encapsulation of the Millennial experience, though I’m not sure if we shaped it, or if it shaped us, yanno?”

She looked me dead in the eyes and said, “Sir, for the last time, I’m going to need you to either tell me what you want on your sandwich or go to the back of the line.”

I’ve been thinking about that for a while now. I have very insightful friends.

Anyway, whether it’s actually important or not, here are 10 great tweets from the women of Twitter you might not have caught yet.

10. Bras, bruh

The kind of support we all long for.

9. 2 feet apart

This is downright diabolical.

8. New math

If my bank account never knew about it, is it even actually money?

7. Total transformation

At least we know how to protect ourselves when AI rises up against us.


6. Missed a spot

What does that even me-oooooooooh ok.

5. Post coitus

Just casual conversation stuff.


4. Early to bed, early to rise

I’m sure your neighbors were thrilled.

3. The morning after

A picture is worth a thousand words.

2. Miss me

We’re simple creatures.


1. The whole kit

If your age starts with a 2 you don’t get to talk like this.

Ok, maybe those weren’t generation defining, but they were funny. I should show them to my friend, I be she’ll laugh and laugh.

Who is your favorite person to follow on Twitter right now?

Tell us in the comments.