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10 People Who’ve Had Very Bad Luck This Summer

Source: snailfrymccloud17 on Reddit

How’s your summer been thus far? Kinda bad?

Because the whole year has been a series of disasters. Cool, cool, yeah, that sounds about right. But believe it or not, things could probably be even worse.

Need proof? Look no further than this gallery of suck posted by Reddit users who are most definitely NOT having a great season. They range from the funny to the heartbreaking to the “How does that even happen?” and they serve as a strange reminder to count our blessings.

Here are ten people who definitely need to give their summer a do-over.

10. Very special delivery

How in the hell do you “accidently” throw something on a roof?

9. Oldies but moldies

“Oh boy, can’t wait to get back to work with all my very valuable – aw, f***.”

8. Singin’ in the rain

Have you checked for corporate espionage? ‘Cause I think you’ve got some leaks.

7. Baby you’re a firework

It went from McMansion to ghost story real quick.

6. The final countdown

You definitely need to burn that board.

5. Split level

I’m no expert but I don’t think that’s how that’s supposed to work.

4. Dancing on the head of a pin

Just sell the house, that’ll become somebody else’s problem.

3. Pocket sock-it

Your big toe will be well-protected from all disease.

2. Jacked up

I don’t even know what model of car that is but I’m guessing I’m too poor to pronounce it.

1. Deep fried

I can smell this picture.

Definitely not a summer to remember for these people. Or at least, not one to remember fondly. Here’s hoping some nice things came along to provide them a little much needed balance!

What’s the biggest “that sucks” moment of your summer so far?

Tell us in the comments.

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