The internet loves a good clap back. And let’s be honest, so do you.
Nothing like a well-placed zinger of a response to make you feel like an intellectual superhero.
That’s why this collection is so hilariously good. They’re the sort of responses you totally think of later, in the shower, and then wish you had a time machine so you could go back and throw ’em out in the moment.
Enjoy these clever comebacks, wonderful one-liners, and ridiculous retorts.
10. Gotta catch my breath
Looks like Team Rocket’s blasting off again!
9. Who jokes the joker?
And on that day, I became: The Dad.
8. A strongly worded letter
We literally spilled the tea about this.

Source: 20ftSkipper on Reddit
7. Watch yourself
OK but turning off WiFi is cruel and unusual punishment.
6. Intergalactic planetary, planetary intergalactic
The answer you seek is very close to home.

Tweet: @urvillageidiot Image via: simwalkedaway on Reddit
5. Hiss
My diet plan is that I’m planning on dieting eventually.
4. Put in your place
Me fail English? That’s unpossible!

Source: phy00ma on Reddit
3. The ultimate form of protection
When your parents are burning you this hard, it’s time to move out.
2. The invisible woman
It’s all becoming very clear now.

Source: ryencokez/Rivalll on Reddit
1. Size doesn’t matter
Why are you walking right into this, dude?
Man, I wish I was as clever as any of these folks. Maybe one day. Just gotta go exercise my…clever…muscles?
What’s your favorite comeback?
Hit us with it in the comments.