I don’t know about you, but I love spending an hour or so on Tumblr each week. Because the people on there share the most real, most random thoughts, and I’m like, “Yep. Me. Me. Me. Me. Me. Weird. Me. Me. What? So me.”
See what “What?” That’s me when I read these. Because the randomness is real.
1. How prehistoric of you…
Photo Credit: officialunitedstates.tumblr.com
2. Dat ass!
Photo Credit: likeigiveabother.tumblr
3. That escalated quickly!
Photo Credit: mintsyrup.tumblr
4. But how?
Photo Credit: beysexuality.tumblr
5. I wonder what his apartment looks like…
Photo Credit: deadendfairy.tumblr
6. Tanks for the memories
Photo Credit: sounddesignerjeans.tumblr
7. That’s how you get dead
Photo Credit: krafteasymac.tumblr
8. At least you’re motivated
Photo Credit: boethiah.tumblr
9. So would that be another way to lose your virginity?
Photo Credit: morgrana.tumblr
10. Everything about this is scary and fantastic. More please.
Photo Credit: stonebutchbliss.tumblr
You’re welcome. 🙂