What would we do without Twitter?
Save time and be productive, you say? Pfft. Nonsense. We don’t know what productivity actually is. We know it’s a word, but does it really exist?
Oh, it does? Well then, I’m going to have to rethink some things.
In the meantime, why not be unproductive and laugh.
1. It’s the best part, actually…
2. I need better instructions…
3. I have to make this automatic, otherwise the anxiety would be too much
4. Weekend plans: zilch
5. Because who else will love you?
6. Also, listening to NPR. That helps pass the time.
7. Nothing is worse than paying for a cracked egg. NOTHING!
8. Welcome to my world
9. Googling scam numbers right now…
10. Sage wisdom from the MGK
Alright adults, are we in agreement that we’re all in this together so we can collectively make the world a better place?
Still no?
Well, I’ll try asking again tomorrow.