Gather round, Gen Z’ers, and hear a tale from your elderly Millennial friend. There was a time when the internet was young, and collecting media was serious business. We all had folders on our computers full of terrible quality .mp3’s and videos. They sounded like crap, nobody in the family could use the phone while they were downloading, each one took ages to arrive, and to top it off, the whole thing was illegal. And somehow, none of that stopped us from madly collecting the media we craved.
In these more enlightened times, streaming has supplanted piracy, and the media for which we’ve all got dedicated folders is memes. Memes are the new collectibles of the internet world. They’re vast, they’re fast, they’re fun, and best of all, the FBI won’t come to your house no matter how many of them you hoard. Consider these fine examples as possible additions to your own collection.
12. Dad jokes
Flex tape can’t fix that.

Via: Symmetry5 on Imgur
11. Pro-testy
“What do we want?!” “TO BE OUT HERE!” “When do we want it?!” “IT’S ALREADY HAPPENING!”

Via: Symmetry5 on Imgur
10. Wisdom of the ages
A monument to the Dunning-Kruger effect.

Via: Symmetry5 on Imgur
9. I’d tap that
How about just stop being an ass?

Via: Symmetry5 on Imgur
8. The shooting hat
These J.K. Rowling retcons are getting out of control.

Via: Symmetry5 on Imgur
7. Make some noise

Source: LeoSenior on Imgur
6. Isn’t it ironic
Welp, see ya on the other side, I guess.

Source: LeoSenior on Imgur
5. Return of the king
Some say he never threw out that console…

Source: LeoSenior on Imgur
4. Mission: improbable
“It was fun, we smoked…ribs.”

Source: LeoSenior on Imgur
3. Black hole sun
These kids are absolutely trippin’.

Source: LeoSenior on Imgur
2. Side by side
I’m fine and so am I.

Source: LeoSenior on Imgur
1. Gritty realism
The PS5 is looking great.

Source: LeoSenior on Imgur
I hope this dump has provided you with some prime meme fodder. Just don’t let the authorities catch you with a stash that dank, there could be trouble.
What’s the current states of your meme collection?
Tell us about it in the comments.