Memes. Ya gotta lot ’em. By law. You have to. It is required of you. To be a good citizen of the internet, one must browse, collect, and appreciate memes on an ongoing basis. Lucky for you, we’re here to help you fulfill that duty with a daily dose of dumb from the finest corners of the internet.
So, do your part. Scroll through these 12 memes and leave fitter, happier, and more productive.
12. There’s a party in my pants
And only this cat is invited.
11. No happenings = more nappenings
They’ve had this figured out for a long time.
10. Shock and aww
I would react the same way when I saw teachers in the grocery store.
9. The biggest hero
Hey yeah, what happened to this movie?
8. Hand in hand
That’s what I call a love glove.
7. Rookie numbers
Don’t try this at home.
6. Sweet as syrup
I too need a long nap after eating IHOP.
5. Pitch black
Use the force…ful jamming of your shin into the bed to figure out where it is.
4. Targeted ads
“I see you bought a lamp. Would you like to keep buying lamps forever now?”
3. The nose knows
Has science gone too far?
2. Number one at the box office
Critics are calling it “A movie that’s sure to have your family yelling at each other.”
1. Asleep on the job
I demand to speak to my manager.
Congratulations, internet denizen! You’ve successfully taken in a healthy dose of memes. Be sure to come back soon for more!
Which one is your favorite?
Tell us in the comments section.