As someone who has struggled with moderate to severe mental health issues my entire life, I believe it’s a fundamental right for all of us to be able to make as many jokes about it as we want. You don’t want to just make jokes, of course, you also want to get professional help when you need it, but humor can be a great part of processing and sharing our experiences.
All that is to say, these are some slightly dark but really funny and honest mental health memes I enjoyed and I think you will too. Check ’em out.
12. Keep that frown right-side up
The brain wants what it wants, for some reason.
11. Special delivery
Out of bed in 30 hours or less, or it’s free
10. If you havin’ girl problems I feel bad for you son
Jay-Z, meet Lay-z
9. Keep it tight
Good thing I’ve got this beard to hide me.
8. Jekyll & Tide
There are two wolves inside you. They don’t like each other.
7. Sleep is life
If you awake you a F*ke.
6. A histericalectomy
Please celebrate with me.
5. Tug-of-bored
I’mma need my mental illnesses to get on the same page.
Source: lioness–hart on Tumblr
4. Medicated medium
All things in moderation.
3. Shot through the head, and you’re too late
Baby you give love a “meh” a name.
2. The cycle continues
If you think about it, life is just a series of naps occasionally interrupted by having to do stuff.
1. Can’t clock out yet
My shift never ends.
Hits close to home in a very satisfying way. Remember, if you’re struggling right now, don’t be afraid to reach out. There’s no shame in it, there’s whole professions set up for it, and you have people out there who got your back.
Which one of these memes registered the most with you?
Let us know in the comments.