Call me crazy, but I thought that when you want to sell your house, it’s a good idea to get the place REALLY clean and REALLY perfect-looking so you can offload it to someone who actually, oh I don’t know, wants to buy the place.

Just a thought…

But, apparently, that’s not how it works for a lot of people who are selling their pad.

Because there’s a whole Instagram page dedicated to the weird and frankly terrible things that real estate agents stumble upon as they make their way through places for sale.

Here are some of the best/worst examples of what I’m talking about…

1. I’m glad you cleaned the place up!

Ready to move right in!

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2. They do love America…

But they should probably do some vacuuming.

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3. Open living plan.

Not the kind I imagined, though…

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4. The all-purpose room.

Is the bed in there, too?

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5. I guess there’s not a garage?

What if you actually need to move the car?

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6. This just makes my head hurt.

The house is on a bit of a hill…or something.

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7. On the next episode of Hoarders.

Just grosses me out.

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8. The perfect place for a trampoline.

The back yard just doesn’t cut it anymore.

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9. Some beautiful artwork in here.

This piece better be included with the house.

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10. And here’s the bathroom!

The bathroom from Hell, I meant.

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11. A cozy spot for dinner and drinks.

Doing things a little differently…

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12. If you guys are ready to see the s^x dungeon, follow me.

Well, I’m sold!

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13. And finally, we have this gem.

The previous owners were totally normal, great people.

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A word to the wise: if you plan on selling your house, DON’T follow the leads of any of these people.

Or else your property might be sitting on the market for a very long time…

Have you ever had any experiences where you went to look at a house or an apartment and you couldn’t believe what you were seeing?

Tell us about it in the comments!