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12 Schools That Made Some Questionable Choices

Image Credit: Reddit

Adults are always telling kids to make good choices, but the truth is that there are times when the supposed “grown-ups,” you know, the one’s in charge of things like, say, school, do their best to drive the younger generation crazy.

These 12 images will have you saying no, stop, and also do it immediately, please.

Including this first one… because… WHAT?!?

12. Well this is awkward.

Okay, who created this list? Seriously.

11. Who is setting up these filters?

I love the fact that this is a school. Hilarious.

10. Please, make it stop.

I am so damn confused.

9. I really hope no one in this room is trying to learn English for the first time.

I mean… you can definitely read it one sheet at a time… but that’s not how we read.

8. It’s like how college professors make you buy their books.

Wow… imagine if you’re poor at this school. You must REALLY feel like a piece of s**t.

7. Good thing these people aren’t planning cities.

OMFG… how did this happen?

6. Maybe it’s just there to scare people?

I’m guessing they haven’t installed the fence yet.

5. I wonder how many students fell for that?

Something is amiss!

4. How has no one corrected this?

I am so confused as to how this even happened?!

3. It’s like the Winchester Mystery House.

Looks like somebody forgot to build the stairs!

2. Whoever corrected this is my hero.

I bet they’re not winning too many friends anytime soon, though.

1. I guess they just want you to carry it all day and bulk up?

Get your lift on, brah!

I’m going to go and get some Tylenol, now, because my head hurts.

Have you ever seen something at school or University that had you questioning the quality of your education?

Tell us about it in the comments!

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