Twitter is a place where clap backs and dunking are routine – but sometimes the responses are so brutal or get so much attention that the defeated party packs up their toys and leaves like it never happened.
Unfortunately for them, the internet is forever, and screenshots inevitably preserve the moment they should have thought through a little harder before engaging in.
Here are just 12 screenshots of tweets that got slammed so hard, they were later deleted.
12. Out of this world
Climate change is real. Your weird supplement-selling blog is not a valid source on this issue.

Source: @AstroKatie on Twitter
11. Biological burn
Why is that the people who know the least are always the loudest?

Source: @jonrosenberg on Twitter
10. Best life
(This came after Chrissy Teigen posted a screenshot showing she’d been blocked by Trump)

Source: @chrissyteigen on Twitter
9. Never Moore
I’d say pick on someone your own size, Roy, but I know that’s not really your thing.

Source: @jimmykimmel on Twitter
8. Primary sources
I’m very into research, that’s why I can’t be bothered to check who I’m talking to.
7. Where you coming Frum?
The very conservative commentator has an idea for a gun law that already exists.

Source: @mattbramanti on Twitter
6. Literally the guy
This exchange became so infamous that it started a massive meme and from what I can tell drove both people into Twitter hiding.

Source: @reganslatic/@McCartyConnor on Twitter
5. Java juice
Why would she be complaining about a thing she doesn’t use, my guy?

Source: @jengolbeck on Twitter
4. Hostage situation
Life is hard when your news source is memes.

Source: @jrezaian/@ericfacas on Twitter
3. Dumbass
“I’m literally the guy in the click.”

Source: @Sethrogen on Twitter
2. Tower of terror
Trump’s not super into “knowing stuff,” so take this elsewhere.

Source: @JimGamble_INEQE on Twitter
1. Sacrifice
This was in response to an Apple-endorsed thing about entrepreneurs needing to give up seeing their kids to make their dreams come true.

Source: @jasonfried on Twitter
Man. That was brutal. I feel like I need to go take a breather after all of that. It’s no wonder so many of those tweet threads now contain suspicious gaps.
What’s the biggest Twitter smackdown you’ve ever seen?
Tell us in the comments.