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12 Tweets That Accurately Describe the Dating Struggle

Source: @jennifermerr on Twitter

How’s everybody’s dating life?

I’ll bet it’s super great. I’ll bet it’s not a constant source of uncertainty and anxiety as you search for love and connection while the clock of life unthinkingly ticks away and an indifferent grave yawns wide in anticipation of your arrival, unfulfilled and stuffed to the gills with your own regrets.


Sorry. I mean…dating is…fun! Let’s look at some tweets about it!

12. Pay attention

This isn’t really all that complicated.

11. Emotional secret intelligence

If you’re gonna know everything about me, at least help me out.

10. Murder she coo’d

Never seen a shadier looking bird in my entire life.

9. Hanging around

These are the moments of true introspection that make it all clear.

8. Support system

A lot of them weren’t doing well at the time but I’m sure they’re good now.

7. Romance isn’t dead

You gotta read between the lines, my guy.

6. Star struck

This is a um…very, very specific complaint. Has this happened to you more than once?

5. Hot and ready

I am also ice cold at my center.

4. The day is saved

Jake is obviously a Time Lord and you need to respect that.

3. I dew

If your partner doesn’t treat you right like this, it’s time to respect yourself and leave.

2. Eye of the beholder

Who do you wanna get praised by today?

1. Comic look

There’s no laid in this lair.

For real though, dating is tough. Give yourself a break if things aren’t going great. You’re still worth it. We all are.

What piece of dating advice would you like to pass on to the internet?

Leave it in the comments.

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