The great thing about Tumblr is that Tumblr is pretty much all the things. Surf around for a while and you’ll come across basically anything you can imagine (with one notable exception following the site’s change in ownership…RIP Tumblr bo*bies.)

Whatever you’re interested in, whatever you’re musing about, rest assured there’s a whole mess of people on Tumblr ready and willing to muse along with you. The result is great little moments, like these!

13. Double d detachment

Get ready for some very confused looks.

12. Cat lady

Yep that’s it that’s what cat ownership is.

11. A whole new world

Give me some of that sultry sultan.

10. Making the cut

He’s mowing down angels now.

9. Repent

OK, pack it in, the internet was a mistake.

8. Wakey wakey

Eggs and McBakey.

7. Unfalsifiable hypothesis

So what you’re saying is…I’m going to live forever. Got it.

6. On the record

What is happening? Also, why is happening?

5. Evolution

He’s doing his best, you bully.

4. Office romance

It looks like you’re trying to…wait…what are you trying to do?

3. The pirate bay

I fought the law, and I kicked its ass.

2. Smooth operator

Love letters don’t need to be long.

1. Heat advisory

That’s gonna be a big nope from me, dawg.

Now that’s the kind of mishmash of nonsense the internet was created for. Gotta give it up for the brave creators of Tumblr, spilling their thoughts for all to see, and to treasure. You keep doin’ you, Humans of Tumblr.

What kind of content do you go to Tumblr for?

Tell us in the comments.