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13 Memes to Make You Feel Good About Being a 90’s Kid

So, the whole “Only 90’s kids” club has become such a meme of its own now that it’s experienced some backlash. And no, nobody’s more special than anyone else by virtue of their birthday. But let me just lay out a case for why us 90’s kids did, in fact, occupy an interesting and important moment in history:

• We’re the last generation to remember a pre-internet era, and were there for its infancy
• We’re the last generation to know what America was like before the world turned upside down in 2001
• We brought an everlasting and irreversible curse upon humanity by buying all those Furbies

If that isn’t at least a little noteworthy, I don’t know what is. Enjoy these 13 other interesting tidbits from a decade long ago…

13. Map mat

Just like the navigators of old.

12. Hocus Pocus

Did you know this movie only has a 34% critic score on Rotten Tomatoes? What the hell?

11. *sigh* (dances reluctantly)

Hey macare-macare-macarena, hobbydobbydooduwhassabayacosa buena…

10. Parachute time

I was sure this thing would swallow me whole.

9. No fear

When the CD had that big parental advisory sticker on it, you knew it was gonna be lit.

8. A lotta balls


7. The maze

My dumb as$ thought I could reach the end if I just watched long enough.

6. It’s Saturday night

RIP, Chris Farley.

5. Drink the kool-aid

Kids who did A have anxiety disorders now. Kids who did B are all in prison.


Speaking on anxiety…

3. Block busted

Their messiah left but one message: “Be kind…rewind…”

2. Bubblegum yum

Toss in some ginger ale and a puke bucket and you’ve got the whole set!

1. Advanced

I must be very dumb because I literally never read any of these.

Now that you’re feeling all warm and fuzzy, I should probably warn you to acclimate yourself back into the current year slowly. Cause it’s…quite a shift.

What else should be on this list?

Tell us in the comments.

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