They say dog is man’s best friend. Or as Groucho Marx put it, “Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read.” Any way you slice it, dogs are the absolute best. Show me a person who doesn’t like dogs and I will show you someone who desperately needs to go pet one.
Being a dog owner, of course, isn’t without its stresses, but most of us wouldn’t trade it for anything. Here are 13 fuzzy memes about being a part of the world of doggos.
13. Come here, love me
He gots to do a wrestle.

Via: someecards
12. Pee’s company
If it has a snout, it don’t stay out.

Via: someecards
11. Gotta hand it to ’em
Checkmate, atheists.

Via: someecards
10. Barktini
They’re better listeners than any bartender.

Via: someecards
9. Attention, please
Bread is a universal language.

Via: someecards
8. Couch buddies
We really don’t even deserve dogs.

Via: someecards
7. Turning yourself in
“I foun dis”

Via: someecards
6. Chonk
He’s a growing boi.

Via: someecards
5. Devastated
One woman’s trash is a doggo’s treasure.

Via: someecards
4. Borkcycle
I see what you did there.
Via: someecards
3. Halp
“Is ok. I lives here now.”

Via: someecards
2. Once you pop…
RIP, chip man.

Via: someecards
1. Despite all my rage
I am still just a pup in a cage.

Via: someecards
After that kind of cuteness overload, you probably need to go love on your own pet for a while, or else adopt one stat. I know I do.
What’s your favorite thing about dogs?
Share the love in the comments.