People being dumb and using the wrong words for things is some of the funniest stuff you’ll ever see. And I pass no judgement – because I’ve definitely done it. We all have at some point.

Besides, the entertainment value is enormous. That’s been well understood for a long time; even Shakespeare used to write characters spouting these malapropisms when he needed something funny to happen. I can only assume, then, that were the bard alive today he would have probably spent the majority of his time on the Subreddit r/BoneAppleTea, a wonderful place on the internet devoted entirely to cataloging hilarious instances of times people meant one thing but said another.

Here’s a collection of 13 of the funniest examples to make English majors die inside and the rest of us laugh a lot.

13. Heck no gecko

15 seconds on spell check could save you 15% or more on embarrassment.

From the gecko
byu/MellonCollie86 inBoneAppleTea

12. New math

Where’s an epic Wendy’s Twitter clapback when you need one?

For what?
byu/aildeokl inBoneAppleTea

11. On fire

*To the tune of Forever Young*
“FlAMING young
I wanna eat
Flaaaaaming young…”

Flaming young
byu/costellosensei inBoneAppleTea

10. Don’t be Shea

Why are you bringing her into this?

Too shea
byu/beetlejuice5 inBoneAppleTea

9. Use the force

It’s a sign of the times.

Forcible future
byu/l3El2Tl2AM inBoneAppleTea

8. Say your prangs

Fun fact: “prang” is a word that means “crash.”

A prang mantas! Oh no!
byu/Supringsinglyawesome inBoneAppleTea

7. A funny story

Why anyone needs more than a few chucklebits is beyond me.

giggle bites
byu/blockman2803 inBoneAppleTea

6. Near and far

Now I’M not going to be able to sleep thinking about this.

Man, in some near sucks dude
byu/hotcheeto-boi inBoneAppleTea

5. Dog day afternoon

This sounds amazing, though.

It’s a doggy dog world.
byu/KazakAttack inBoneAppleTea

4. Wild times

I ain’t buyin’. Don’t bring those antics into MY house.

byu/pochita-de-Chi-Town inBoneAppleTea

3. Due date

On second thought, let’s not do it.

“further of due”
by inBoneAppleTea

2. On a roll

I’m giving you the snake eyes.

Pair of dice
byu/shadynasty94 inBoneAppleTea

1. Toss ’em

Maybe they do and they threw ’em all away already.

Disposable thumbs
byu/TheJoshWatson inBoneAppleTea

It’s easy to feel a little superior reading over such hilarious and oblivious mistakes, but stay humble. You too will type something ridiculous at some point, and when that day comes your blunder will be but a screenshot away from infamy. The internet is a harsh but fair god.

What’s the funniest example of this sort of thing that you’ve heard?

Tell us in the comments.