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13 Photos of Weird Things at College Campuses


College is, for most people, one of the best times of their lives. You get to live on your own while someone else (ideally) foots the bill. You get to make new friends, learn new things, and do your best not to kill yourself while taking your first steps into adulthood.

That said, these 13 colleges are apparently intent on teaching their students just how frustrating living on your own can be.

Just see what I mean.

13. No thanks, I’ll just eat with my hands.

12. That’s actually kind of impressive.

11. They’re just trying to help with the freshman fifteen.

10. That is some awkward architecture.

9. I’m not sure what they’re trying to say here…

8. That’s like half-ply.

7. Not sure how this is going to work with soup…

6. It’s all about the potential.

5. Yeah don’t tell me what to do.

4. Awkward.

3. Why is the white chalk worth more? I’d ask that question at the next University board meeting.

2. I just spit out my coffee.

1. A new low in textbook fraud.

Put these things on your lists of things to check when you’re touring schools, high school juniors!

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