OMFG… isn’t this everyone’s worst nightmare? A simple itch turns into a full on infestation.
But did you know that getting lice is more common than you’d think? Yeah, it’s a thing.
Sometimes it’s easily curable and other times are more horrifying.
Check out these 14 incidents with lice that will make you want to check your head.
1. Why would she do this?!!!

Photo Credit: Whisper
2. Wait… what? Does that work?!

Photo Credit: Whisper
3. Yep, when you do local income work… this happens.

Photo Credit: Whisper
4. Bleach your eyes!

Photo Credit: Whisper
5. The third time? WTF?!

Photo Credit: Whisper
6. Uh oh! Well, at least they won’t know you…

Photo Credit: Whisper
7. JEEZUS!! Why why why why?

Photo Credit: Whisper
8. Schools HAVE to tell parents. Come on…

Photo Credit: Whisper
9. You don’t have to cut your hair if you get lice.

Photo Credit: Whisper
10. Haha, you don’t have to JUST buy lice stuff…

Photo Credit: Whisper
11. There’s a shampoo for this. Calm the f*ck down.

Photo Credit: Whisper
12. BFFs forever… or not?

Photo Credit: Whisper
13. What in the actual hell!?!?

Photo Credit: Whisper
14. That is COMPLETELY gross!

Photo Credit: Whisper
OMFG… that was crazy. Can you believe that people have to deal with that sh^t? Insane.
Which one made your skin crawl the most? Let us know in the comments!