They say every dark cloud has its silver lining. With more and more of us working from home right now, one silver lining is that nobody’s looking over my shoulder while I browse memes all day.
Maybe you’re in the same boat? If so, come celebrate our meme freedom with this random collection of the good stuff. It will increase your at-home productivity, maybe.
Or maybe not. Who’s gotta know?
Now then, let’s take a look at these tasty memes. Be sure to share your favorites with your friends!
14. Post Traumatic Suck Disorder

Via: Fremen117 on Imgur
13. Chips = Immortality

Via: Fremen117 on Imgur
12. It’s all about perspective

Via: Fremen117 on Imgur
11. The king of all he surveys

Via: Fremen117 on Imgur
10. Self-owns are rare and valuable

Via: Fremen117 on Imgur
9. Checkmate, flat-Earthers, and also me

Via: Fremen117 on Imgur
8. Gotta conserve

Via: Fremen117 on Imgur
7. Their expression is loud

Via: Fremen117 on Imgur
6. Ah ah ah ah

Via: Fremen117 on Imgur
5. Lower you expectations

Via: Fremen117 on Imgur
4. Screw Columbus Day

Via: Fremen117 on Imgur
3. Who did this?

Via: Fremen117 on Imgur
2. He loves him more than Kanye West loves Kanye West

Via: Fremen117 on Imgur
1. I’m getting mixed messages

Via: Fremen117 on Imgur
Now quick, look busy! Or wait. I guess there’s nobody to look busy for.
Grab a snack. Then probably get back to doing real work. But thanks for hanging out with us for a while!
What’s your favorite source of memes?
Tell us in the comments.