There are creeps everywhere, but it seems to be true that having a keyboard between them and the person their harassing brings even more of them out of the woodwork.
It takes more courage to be a creep on the street – not that many don’t seem to have it in spades – than to say something so, so wrong online.
Luckily, it’s also easier to craft the perfect comeback when you have a bit of time – and a keyboard of your own at your disposal.
And these 14 people put both to the greatest possible use.
14. Well look at that and I even know how to work it thanks.
13. You’d think the first insult would have worked but he just came back for more.
12. I thought turnabout was fair play? No?
11. Well that wasn’t a very sympathetic response.
10. Just go ahead and keep some images like this on standby. It will save time.
9. Playing dumb has its advantages.
8. I can’t believe he was still clarifying it was a no. Jeez Louise.
7. I just spit out my coffee. Brilliant.
6. You asked, she answered!
5. Don’t you want to give the lady what she wants?
4. Per. Fec. Tion. I aspire to be this savage.
3. Lowering the boom, no regrets no beating around the bush.
2. Short and sweet will bring out the true nature every time.
1. He really tried to use his dog’s death? Double NOPE.
I can only hope to be so eloquent and quick-witted the next time it happens to me (because sadly, it will).
Are you good at comebacks? Do you need time to come up with the perfect one?
Let us know where you rank these 14 in the comments!