Most people are just out there doing their best every day to make ends meet, be a good friend or the best parent/child/sibling they can be. We’re trying to have smiles for strangers, extra change for people in need, and remember to think of ourselves sometimes, too.
Then there are the people like these 14 gems, who think the world revolves around them and anyone who doesn’t fall in line is some kind of jerk.
14. This one just kind of makes me sad.
I mean… on one hand, $10 is a lot for breakfast. On the other hand… it’s only $10.

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13. Not in his job description.
But hey, if this ever works out for you, please let me know. You’re a genius!

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12. There’s a lot of debate on this one.
On one hand, yes… any money outside of it is a tip. On the other hand, people are cheap AF sometimes.

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11. No good deed goes unpunished.
“Yeah, thanks for that free money, but… you got anymore?”

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10. They were definitely going to kill them.
Never give anybody anything for free. It’s not smart.

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9. Beggars can be choosers, I guess.
I mean… is she racist… or???

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8. And it turns out he’s not even gay…
But he is broke. So…

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7. This can’t be real…can it?
Oh yes… people ARE this dumb. Trust.

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6. Yes, please let me pay to do you a favor.
You’re my driver, but you buy the gas. That’s how it works, right? Hahahahaha….

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Has she never flown before, or is this her first time in the outside world?

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4. That is… not the correct response.
If somebody’s nice to you… don’t keep asking for nice stuff.

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3. Someone should apologize to that kid for having sh^tty parents.
Also, somebody please tell this person the difference between 7 and 20 years. Thank you.

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2. Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s not how any of this works.
But… if this does somehow work… please tell me ALL your secrets, pls!

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1. Is this a thing people do?
Do you know how this thing called “business” works, or do we have to explain it you?

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Don’t be like these people. The world today definitely needs more of us lifting each other up, not trying to bleed each other dry!
Have you dealt with someone like this? If you’ve got a great story, now is the time to share it!