Memes are dumb. But not bad dumb. Good dumb. The dumb that you crave because it makes your good smart brain do a giggle at the stupid and feel relief that it don’t have to think so much right now.
Give your head noggin a treat with these 15 very good, so dumb memes.
15. More than meets the eye

Via: Memebase
14. Armed and dangerous
This would be me as a call center operator.

Via: Memebase
13. Get baked
Gonna start singing about Gaston here in a minute.

Via: Memebase
12. For Harambe
Don’t you mouth off to me like that.

Via: Memebase
11. Gotta hand it to ya
This is the world astrologists want.

Via: Memebase
10. Take a knee
That guy doesn’t even work here.

Via: Memebase
9. I tell ya what
I sell pain and pain accessories.

Via: Memebase
8. Keep a cool head
Let the man have his dreams.

Via: Memebase
7. Office romance
My dreams have shattered before they began.

Via: Memebase
6. Hard truths
Some of them aren’t even complaining tho.

Via: Memebase
5. Order me around
This guy ALWAYS delivers.

Via: Memebase
4. Nobody nose
It’s so they can’t smell what The Rock is cooking.

Via: Memebase
3. Home of the free
It puts the McNuggets in the basket.

Via: Memebase
2. Real fear
These are the moments I’m hoping for.

Via: Memebase
1. Instant tragedy
Oh look, it’s the entirety of my college diet.

Via: Memebase
Pretty amazing stuff, there. And by amazing, I mean dumb.
What’s your favorite place to find memes in the wild?
Tell us in the comments.