Sometimes it’s beneficial to step back from our hectic lives and appreciate just how incredible our planet is. It helps remind us that we are just a tiny part of our amazing Earth.
These photos will help remind you of that. Go out and explore!
1. The Royal Clock Tower in Mecca
Photo Credit: Reddit
2. A space shuttle
Photo Credit: Reddit
3. A blue whale’s skull
Photo Credit: Reddit
4. The tail fin of an Airbus 380
Photo Credit: Reddit
5. A submarine
Photo Credit: Reddit
6. A cruise liner in dry dock
Photo Credit: Reddit
7. A cruise liner in the water
Photo Credit: Reddit
8. ENORMOUS chains
Photo Credit: Reddit
9. Crikey! Look at that croc
Photo Credit: Reddit
10. A juvenile crowned eagle’s talon
Photo Credit: Reddit
11. The base of the Eiffel Tower during construction in 1888
Photo Credit: Reddit
12. Michelangelo’s David
Photo Credit: Reddit
13. Wombat!
Photo Credit: Reddit
14. A structure in Norway built to be the biggest bonfire ever
Photo Credit: Reddit
15. The Great Pyramid of Giza
Photo Credit: Reddit
We are but teeny, tiny mortals.