Look, we’re all just trying to get through life without screwing up too bad.
But some of us were built in a dysfunctional awkwardness factory and we missed the recall notice so now we’re just out here walking around among the humans like a dang safety hazard. We make the best of it. In fact, we’re pretty great sometimes. But most of the time, we earning our frequent-customer miles aboard the struggle bus.
Here are fifteen struggle memes to illustrate what I mean.
15. A la cart
Somehow all four of my wheels are the bad one.

Via: Cheezburger
14. Word up
Whateva, I’ll do what I want.

Via: Cheezburger
13. Trick questions
I’m going to go laugh a very sad laugh now.

Via: Cheezburger
12. Serving looks
You mean it doesn’t work like it does in the medication ads?

Via: Cheezburger
11. Running jokes
It gets me into trouble at a very fast rate.

Via: Cheezburger
10. Heart and soul
To whomever is just like me, I’m sorry.

Via: Cheezburger
9. Compare and contrast
Do they make those vests in human sizes or?

Via: Cheezburger
8. Matchmaking

Via: Cheezburger
7. Down the rabbit hole
Surely this will end well.

Via: Cheezburger
6. Huge mistakes
Can we put some of this toothpaste back in the tube?

Via: Cheezburger
5. Soldier on
“Aight, Imma head out.” – my mental stability

Via: Cheezburger
4. Old faithful
I think it’s gonna be a real doozy today.

Via: Cheezburger
3. Dawn of a new age
I’ll look back on this meme with no regrets.

Via: Cheezburger
2. The inebriation proclamation
Let’s do some shots and talk about how we live in a post-truth political ecosystem.

Via: Cheezburger
1. Moment of clarity
It was time to go home.

Via: Cheezburger
We may be a mess, but we’re a beautiful mess, and that should never go unappreciated.
What’s been your biggest hot mess moment lately?
Tell us about it in the comments.