Did you know that you can use memes to tell the future? For instance, we’ve gathered a bunch of memes here, and based on that, we predict that you’re about to scroll them all and laugh.
Don’t ask how it works – it’s just magic.
15. Smells like home
This is all fun and games until you start having those bad flashbacks.

Via: LeoSenior on Imgur
14. Child at heart
Don’t screw this up for me, kid.

Via: LeoSenior on Imgur
13. Streams of trouble
And now they’re all wasting time. Not sure who wins here.

Via: LeoSenior on Imgur
12. Rightside wrong
Hot tip: if the logo is facing up, that’s always the right way.

Via: LeoSenior on Imgur
11. Back to basics
Just wait ’till they start building cars.

Via: LeoSenior on Imgur
10. Pushing my buttons
When you get decimated by decimals.

Via: LeoSenior on Imgur
9. Busy busy
Wait, your town still has a mall?

Via: LeoSenior on Imgur
8. Oh, shoot!
Stranger things have happened.

Via: LeoSenior on Imgur
7. Time travel
Congratulations, your circadian rhythm is now ruined for a week.

Via: LeoSenior on Imgur
6. It’s a sign
Numbers don’t lie.

Via: LeoSenior on Imgur
5. Mission impossible
The floor is lava and the wires are feelings.

Via: LeoSenior on Imgur
4. I am infinite
My drama knows NO BOUNDS.

Via: LeoSenior on Imgur
3. Unmasked
This is…this is it in a nutshell.

Via: LeoSenior on Imgur
2. The wallflower
This is totally unrealistic, it’s not a party unless there are at least 50 people crammed into the kitchen for no reason.

Via: LeoSenior on Imgur
1. Stranger in our midst
Ah hell no.

Via: LeoSenior on Imgur
See? We predicted you’d love those, and you did. Our internet powers know no bounds.
What are your favorite kinds of memes?
Tell us in the comments.