I grew up in a large family so there was always some kind of conflict going on in the house. Brother vs. brother. Sister vs. sister. Brothers vs. sisters. And throw in the parents for good measure and it was a great time for all!
All families fight, that’s a fact. And a lot of those fights are just plain dumb.
Here are 15 funny stories people shared about the dumb fights their families have gotten into.
1. And what was the verdict?
I mean… I’m team Rachel.

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2. That’s typical…
Soup is soupy. Duh!

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3. Just don’t bring it up again.
Wait… you didn’t just stop the fan?

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4. You don’t exist.
Now THAT is some dedication.

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5. That’s insane.
I mean… this was bound to happen.

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6. Ouch! Sounds painful.
That door shut! Yikes!

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7. Don’t disturb the cat.
Just feed it!

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8. A month-long debate.
This is way too long to fight.

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9. Not in this house…
It is a pretty crazy song.

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10. It was only a dream.
15 years? Jeezus.

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11. This is good.
More punching, please!

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12. Those were not turkeys.
They were PURE trash.

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13. That’s just weird.
Does he not listen to other people?

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14. A major offense.
Kids are dumb.

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15. You don’t get it, Dad!
Nerd alert!

Photo Credit: Twitter
There are some doozies in there! Let’s hope that all these folks kissed and made up very quickly.
Does your family get into fights? Are most of them pretty DUMB?
Tell us about them in the comments!