Running into an ex-boyfriend, husband, one night stand, et al has always been awkward, and an experience to be avoided if it would be helped.

It used to be a lot easier to avoid, though, before things like texting, apps, and never changing your phone number became things that everyone had and did. Now, you can delete someone’s number, but if they still have yours and decide to drink too much one night and get bold, well…you might get a text like these 15.

And you’ll really, really wish you hadn’t.

15. Short and to the point.

The only way to do it, if you’re going to reply.

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14. It’s not subtle.

But personally, I prefer effective.

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13. Never miss an opportunity to troll.

Especially not with an image of U2.

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12. I really need to know more because I have a lot of questions.

Okay, mostly one…

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11. Is it weird, though?

Seems like an enviable feature, if you ask me.

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10. If she did, it wouldn’t be with you.

Time to just back away slowly.

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9. That fox’s face is judging you.

So are the rest of us, now.

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8. I mean, we all usually appreciate a good GIF.

Personally, I still appreciate this one.

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7. The best excuse out there.

Also the worst, but there you go.

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6. The gall of some people.

Spend your own $15 a month, dude.

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5. At least he can laugh about it.

That way the rest of us are laughing with him, not at him.

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4. If you have to say it’s not an insult…it’s probably an insult.

Why would anyone think this was okay to text?

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3. This is just terrible.

You have to know when to stop.

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2. Yeah, there’s no need to respond to that cr*p.

That poor guy, walking around believing that cr*p.

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1. I don’t know why but this is hilarious.

You definitely gotta know where your lines are.

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Don’t drink and text, people. Trust me, it never ends up well.

Have you gotten texts like this? If they were awful or you put someone in their place, we want to hear about it!